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Men's Connection

Men’s Bible Study

Accountability among men is an act of integrity. Our Men’s Bible Study is designed to protect, encourage, and develop men of all ages. The men of our church community meet on Thursday Nights beginning at 5:30pm for prayer, 6:00pm for dinner and 6:30pm for Bible Study. 


“When you introduce yourself to someone for the first time, you have an opportunity to define yourself. You disclose your name, profession, and interests. These factors help our culture define us, but are those answers enough? People are struggling in ten thousand ways because of identity issues. They can’t help but ask, who am I? and why do I matter? Can our culture really provide meaningful answers to those questions, or do we need something deeper and more significant?”

Before asking, who am I? we need to be able to answer, who is God? If we can’t answer the first question, we will never answer the second. The problem with our search for identity is that we are looking in all the wrong places. Scripture teaches that we are all made in the image of God. We do not define ourselves—the Creator does. We were all created to be known and loved by God. Once those answers are clear, we can move forward and discover all God has called us to be.

For more information please contact us.